Space and Missle Systems Center
USAF Space and Missile Systems Center
Lessons Learned System Concept Exploration
The Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) faces a set of challenges associated with capturing knowledge associated with key decisions, sharing that knowledge across SMC and other USAF Product Centers, and embedding it within the USAF’s acquisition processes to enable the best-informed future decisions.
Working KnowledgeCSP was a prime subcontractor to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the prime contractor, and was responsible for the KM concept development. The effort explored, developed, and delivered an integrated concept to:
Provide the ability to find experts and expertise across the USAF and its research partners and contractors through a semantic search capability.
Elicit, capture, and embed lessons learned into the Acquisition processes within and among Product Centers using SMC as a pilot. This included providing an integrated view across targeted lessons and data systems and adding significant content to those systems.
Map standard business processes to the (1) tools and technologies that enable them to happen efficiently and (2) the information flows that capture associated content with each critical decision.
Map the experts, expertise, lessons, and processes above into the AF Acquisition Enterprise Architecture to extend the capability broadly and reliably.
The deliverable was a concept for a prototype decision support system built upon a knowledge management framework and consisting of several significant capabilities that were identified as gaps in the current AF Acquisition Enterprise Architecture:
Decision capture architecture and process for acquisition usable by all product centers
Lessons learned content and process architecture
Expertise locator capabilityFinally, based on our research among existing AF Acquisition communities, we identified a number of candidate applications that could be integrated into the new system.
We defined a successful decision support system that would make knowledge (information and experience) accessible across the AF Acquisition community and enable the acquisition workforce to make the best decisions and deliver the best acquisition outcomes while increasing organizational efficiency and productivity.
Working KnowledgeCSP delivered this project on time, meeting all technical requirements, and within budget.