Department of Justice (DOJ) Asset Forfeiture Program Lessons Learned Assessment
The Department of Justice (DOJ) Asset Forfeiture Program required a lesson learned assessment of the Asset Forfeiture Program Support (AFPS) services acquisition to include recommendations to improve future procurement actions and contract management practices.
Asset forfeiture is a key component of DOJ’s enforcement activities and relies on contractor provided services to support its operations throughout the agencies participating in the program. Services are performed by approximately 1,100 contractor personnel at over 300 individual Government locations throughout the country. Many of these contract personnel have supported the Asset Forfeiture Program under each successor contract since 1988. Significant performance problems were encountered during the transition period to a new contractor.
The challenge was to improve both current and future performance and to reduce future performance risk at both the planning and execution levels for both government and supporting contractors.
Under a subcontract, Working KnowledgeCSP led a team to deliver a comprehensive lesson learned assessment of the Asset Forfeiture Program Support (AFPS) services acquisition. This lesson learned assessment, guided by an Appreciative Inquiry approach, included comprehensive recommendations to improve future procurement actions and contract management practices.
The Department of Justice applied the learnings and advice captured to improve procurement actions and contract management practices for the follow-on Asset Forfeiture Program procurement. This deliverable formed a knowledge baseline to be built upon for future operational activities.
Working KnowledgeCSP delivered the project on time, under budget, and met all technical requirements.