Great Falls, Virginia – April 16, 2017 – Bill Kaplan, Working KnowledgeCSP Founder, will be speaking at the 2018 DoD and Federal Knowledge Management Symposium, on 16 May at 1400 (2:00PM) at the Baltimore Convention Center. Bill will be sharing practice based insights on Applying “Agile” in Developing KM Strategies and Implementing Frameworks.
This session will present and explain a practice based, “agile” based methodology for developing “fit for purpose,” operationally relevant KM strategies and implementing frameworks that (1) incorporate a KM pilot project “up front” as a primary source of learning and insight for strategy development and framework implementation, and (2) are based upon “Fast Learning” fundamentals (part of the foundation for “agile”) that are introduced into the organization for sustainable KM success. A discussion about Agile KM applied to KM Strategy, Framework development, and knowledge transfer can be found here. Symposium registration is here.